Your cargo is constantly changing. One day you might have a trunk full of groceries and the next you might be fully loaded with your kid’s soccer gear. So, you find yourself asking if an extended cargo liner would better suit your needs, or if you should stick with a standard cargo liner. Depending on what you use your cargo space for, as well as your vehicle’s layout, will play a huge role in making this decision. But, before you can make and informed decision, you should go ahead and read up on the ins and outs of standard vs. extended liners.
Ultimately, both extended and standard cargo liners are going to provide you with the same quality of protection, meaning that your carpets are protected from the mud, muck and debris that’s dragged in with dirty equipment or pets. Also, floor liners protect against spilled foods and beverages, which is bound to happen when you fill your trunk space with groceries on a regular basis. The only real difference between the extended cargo liner and the standard is that the extended is going to provide more protection. Both extended and standard cargo liners are form fitted to the rear of your ride, so you get the maximum wall-to-wall protection. But, the standard cargo liner installs right behind your third row, strictly covering the space between your last row of seating and your tailgate. On the other hand, the extended cargo liner starts behind the second row of seating and provides full coverage all the way to your tailgate.
The standard cargo liner is perfect for when you’re just using your cargo space to load groceries or taking your dog to the park. It is made to completely cover the vulnerable carpets behind your rear seat. But, if you need to fold down your last row of seating, or if you remove these seats often, you would be best off giving your carpet the extended bit of protection. The extended cargo mat keeps your entire rear of your ride protected, so when you need to slide a ladder back there, or when you want to give your furry friend more space to ride in, you don’t have to worry about any of your carpets being exposed.
Not all vehicles have the option to have a have an extended cargo liner in place, so sometimes the decision is made for you. Cargo liners are made for your specific year, make and model, which guarantees the fit, but may limit you in lengths.